Doggie Intuition
By Michele Wojciechowski on May 7, 2015
By the time you are reading this, I will have returned from my trip to New York City. I go once a year for a professional conference. As I write this, it’s a couple of days before I leave. But one of my dogs already knows. I have no idea how he knows, but he […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged angry, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bathroom, bed, bedroom, blanket, brat, business, can, cans, care, clean, clingy, clunk, column, comedy, conference, couch, cranky, crate, day, desk, doesn't care, dog, doggie, Doggie Intuition, dogs, dream, dreaming, email, excited, facts, file, files, find, found, freaked, freaked out, friends, full, fun, Funny, get the point, hall, head, hiding, holder, home, hot, Humor, humour, husband, ignore, imagine, Intuition, learn, learned, leaving, listen, listened, living, living room, love seat, loveseat, Mad, mad dog, Mae, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, miffed, minute, month, morning, New York City, newsletter, night, opposable, opposable thumbs, pillow, pillows, pink, point, poo, professional, pull, pup, purple, quotes, rest, resting, Riley, room, run, running, scatter, Scooby, shred, sign up, suitcase, supplies, throw, thumb, thumbs, ticked off, tissue, tissues, town, trainer, trash, trashcan, trashcans, treat, twice, videos, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo@WojosWorld.com, wonder, wondering, yard
The Weekend My Husband Got Sick
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 23, 2015
My husband doesn’t get sick very often. But when he does, it’s usually with something mild—like a cold or a sore throat—and he spends the next 48-72 hours driving me crazy and acting like a whiny baby. Please know that I love my husband. I really do. Because of this–and because we’ve been together, well, […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged annoying, Baby, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bathroom, bedroom, behavior, Bert, bug, cape, cold, column, comedy, cough, coughs, coworkers, crackers, creeping crud, cup of tea, dehydrating, dessert, dinner, disinfectant, disinfected, doted, email, Facebook, facts, family, fever, friend, friends, fun, Funny, germs, God, grocery store, hazmat, heroine, home, Humor, humour, husband, keyboard, light, liquids, love, Lysol, Maryland, medicine, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Monday, mothering, neighborhood, newsletter, office, perfect, praying, quotes, remote, sanitizer, Saturday, secret, secret weapon, sick, sore throat, stomach, supportive, Sweet, sweet tooth, sweets, tea, The Weekend My Husband Got Sick, thermometer, tissue, tooth, Tuesday, TV, typhoid, videos, virus, weapon, weekend, what's going around, whining, whiny, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo@WojosWorld.com, work, www.wojosworld.com
Why Am I in This Room?
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 9, 2015
I have an excellent memory. Really—in that it’s so good that sometimes it’s almost creepy. Here’s an example for you: I’ll hear a song on the radio or while my husband and I are out. Here’s what comes next, I say something like, “I remember this song! It was out the first year we were […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged actor, age, alien, aliens, all time, ardent, around, avoid, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bench, benefit, benefits, black and white, brain, busy, cabinet, captured, champion, clue, column, comedy, curse, dating, Dave, dementia, digress, dress, dry, dry clean, email, events, excellent, fact, facts, file, file cabinet, friends, fun, Funny, gift, hand wash, head, headache, heads, home, horrible, Humor, humour, husband, important, Inner Harbor, internet, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Jeopardy, join, Kevin, Kevin Kline, Kline, looking, looking around, losing, Maryland, memory, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mind, minds, month, nervous breakdown, newsletter, no, no clue, office, only, pantry, pinpoint, pod people, political, question, quote, quotes, Radio, recognize, remember, restaurant, room, Rusty Scupper, screwing up, skin, slight, sneezing, song, spare, spy, standing, stress, sweet potato fries, sweet tea, talent, talk, think, thought, thoughts, tournament, toxin, tumor, twice monthly, upstairs, Video, videos, Why Am I In This Room, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo@WojosWorld.com
The Method of My Madness
By Michele Wojciechowski on March 26, 2015
Over the years, I have been becoming more and more of a sports fan. I’ve always loved baseball, and I enjoy indoor soccer. Nearly seven years ago, I became a true blue football fan. But basketball?
Posted in Columns | Tagged 143, Abbey, Arizona, associate, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, band, baseball, basketball, Bombeck, book, book signing, books, bracket, brackets, British, Buffalo, Butler, Carson, character, chicken, choosing, Cincinnatti, coach, colleagues, college, column, comedy, Dayton, Downton, Downton Abbey, Drew Forrester, DrewsMorningDish.com, Duke, Erma, Erma Bombeck, facts, faculty, fan, favorite, film, Fiona, football, Fred, free, friend, friends, fun, Funny, Geln Campbell, Goo Goo Dolls, graduate, great, guy, Hampton, HBO, head, home, Humor, humorist, humour, husband, I love you, Indiana, Indiana Jones, indoor soccer, Johnny Rzeznik, karma, Kentucky, Lafayette, laugh, laughing, lead, lead singer, liked, likes, local, madness, March, March Madness, Marquette University, Maryland, memory, method, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Midwest, movie, NCAA, newsletter, Northeastern, Notre Dame, office, personality, points, prizes, pronounce, Providence, Purdue, quotes, rationale, Rudy, school, score, season, series, show, singer, soccer, speak, sports, Steve Wojciechowski, teams, Texas, The Method of my Madness, tie, True Blood, try, uniform, uniforms, United States, University of Dayton, Valparaiso, videos, Villanova, Virginia, West, Wichita, Wichita Lineman, Wichita St, win, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, Wojo@WojosWorld.com, woman, work, works, writers' workshop
The Baths Have Gone to the Dogs
By Michele Wojciechowski on March 12, 2015
My husband and I have two dogs: Riley, the overactive pup, and, Mae. Her name isn’t really Mae, but she prefers to go by a pseudonym. She’s a proper Southern lady, having come to us via Alabama, and she doesn’t want her friends to know if she’s done something wrong. If that happened, there would […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged Alabama, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bath, bathing, baths, belle, blanket, Bless, Bless her, carpet, chasing, clean, comedy, couch, Daisy, days, dirt, dirty, dog, doggie, dogs, drag, drags, drinking, ears, email, face, facts, family, floor, Fluffy, friend, friends, Funny, furniture, fuzzy, growled, guy, happy, head, house, Humor, humour, husband, imagine, julep, jump, kindergarten, lady, lean, little, Mae, Maryland, melt, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mint, mint julep, mint juleps, Mom, mud, name, neck, newsletter, overactive, park, pearly, pearly whites, pitiful, playing, poo, proper, pseudonym, pup, quotes, Rascal, Riley, romp, running, Scooby, scooches, snow, soaked, Southern, Spring, stay, stink, The Baths Have Gone To The Dogs, towel, trump, trumps, tub, videos, washing, wet, White, whites, wiggle, wiggling, winced, wishes, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, Wojo@WojosWorld.com, worst
Brace Yourself: The Tooth is Still Stranger than Fiction
By Michele Wojciechowski on February 26, 2015
When I last left you on the edge of your seat, I was about to see Super Dentist to get something done about the lack of a front tooth. Only I could lose a tooth by eating pizza. After my dentist looked at the gaping hole, he had good news and bad news.
Posted in Columns | Tagged agent, aleck, Baby, baby tooth, bad news, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, beauty, best, best friends, between, bone, bone graft, Brace Yourself, cadavers, cap, Chicklet, column, comedy, dead, dentist, details, eat, edge of your seat, fact, fainted, flipper, friends, front tooth, Funny, girl, glue, good news, graft, Hawaii, head, hip, hip bone, Humor, humour, husband, implant, interesting, lose, Maryland, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mold, mouth, newsletter, numb, numbed, oral, oral surgery, pageants, pearly gates, pearly whites, perfect, person, pizza, procedure, question, reality, reality show, safe, screw, Shakira, show, smart, smart aleck, smile, space, sterilize, stupid, Super, Super Dentist, surgery, teeth, The Tooth Is Still Stranger Than Fiction, Toddlers and Tiaras, travel, trip, vacation, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
The Tooth is Stranger than Fiction
By Michele Wojciechowski on February 12, 2015
Friends have told me for years that they think weird stuff happens to me just so I have material for my column. I usually protest and say, “No. It’s just that I pay more attention to the absurd things in life than you do.” But after this past weekend, I have to wonder if they’re […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged 14, absurd, adult, argh!, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bathroom, birthday, bit, call, canal, cap, capped, cob, cold, column, comedy, corn, corn on the cob, days, dentist, doc, drank, eat, eating, edge, email, emergency, fabulous, Facebook, facts, Fall, fast forward, focused, freak out, free, friends, front teeth, fun, Funny, game, gap, head, Hee Haw, hot, husband, hyperventilate, implode, imploded, jagged, Jimmy Fallon, line, Maryland, material, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mirror, months, mouth, mouths, new, newsletter, normal, phone, Picture, piercing, pizza, pulp, quotes, root, same bat channel, same bat time, sensation, smarty pants, space, stranger than fiction, stub, stuff, Super, Super Dentist, take a picture, taser, tasered, teeth, The Tonight Show, the tooth is stranger than fiction, the truth is stranger than fiction, tongue, Tonight Show, tooth, vacation, videos, voicemail, weekend, weeks, weird, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, Wojo@WojosWorld.com, x-ray, x-rays, xray, xrays, young
Sweet Dreams, You Big Liar
By Michele Wojciechowski on January 29, 2015
I don’t like to lie. I was raised to tell the truth, even if it was difficult. Like when my Mom’s stained-glass lamp broke. But let’s not talk about that… I take after my Mom in that there is no “bull” with me; if you ask my opinion, I’ll give you an honest one. Sure, […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged age, asleep, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bed, blouse, broke, bull, color, comedy, comfortable, computer, couch, dear, dirty, dogs, dreams, example, excited, explode, eyes, facts, fell off, flames, friend, friends, friendship, Funny, hair, home, honest, house, Humor, humour, husband, Jokes, Julie, lamp, laughing, Liar, lie, little, log off, Maryland, metaphorically, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mom, natural, newsletter, newspaper, nice, open, opinion, pants, parents, phone, program, quotes, readers, secret, shameful, shopping, speaking, stained glass, stylist, swear, Sweet, Sweet Dreams You Big Liar, teenager, television, tell the truth, temper, tired, to tell the truth, truth, turnip truck, TV, videos, watch, watching, wide, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
My Dog, the Night Owl
By Michele Wojciechowski on November 6, 2014
I’m a morning person. I’m not exactly sure when this happened because I have clear memories of my Mom having to do everything short of setting off a bomb in my room to get me up when I was in high school. Now, I tend to wake up between 5 and 5:30… Yes, that’s A.M. […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged 5, 5 am, 5:30, 5:30 am, 8, 8 p.m., 8 pm, A.M., a.m. 5:00, afternoon, alive, antics, asleep, awake, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, band, bed, bedroom, bomb, bright and early, business, cat nap, cat naps, catnap, catnaps, chute, column, comedy, complain, complains, constructing, cute, do his business, dog, doggie, dogs, early, early bird, early birds, face, fail, family, flea, fleas, foot, Funny, giant, go out, groan, groans, head, high school, hire, hiring, house, Humor, humour, husband, joke, joked, jump, late, lick, living room, loud, loudest, marching, marching band, Maryland, member, memories, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, middle of the night, moan, moans, moans and groans, Mom, morning, morning person, My Dog the Night Owl, My Life With Riley, nap, naps, night, night owl, nightowl, noise, noises, outside, P.M., pace, pacing, person, pillow, plan, play, pm, pretend, pretended, program, rest, Riley, room, running, school, scratch, scratches, sleep, sleeps, sliding board, slurp, slurping, Snoopy, surprise, surrender, surrenders, teenage, teenager, tired, toy, wake, website, weekend, weekends, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, wojosworld.com, www.wojosworld.com, yard, yawn, yawns
The Tooth, the Whole Tooth, and Nothing But the Tooth
By Michele Wojciechowski on October 9, 2014
Everyone has fears. Some people are afraid of snakes (not me). Or public speaking (not me, again). Or going to the dentist (still not me…oh, wait).
Posted in Columns | Tagged 24/7, adult, amazed, appointment, attributes, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, Beautiful, beautiful friendship, blind date, boy, card, care, chisel, chiseled, column, comedy, consultation, convince, convinced, cotton, credentials, decades, dental, dental practice, dentist, dentistry, different, disease, doctor, Dr. Lincoln Frank, earth, emergency, experience, fear, fears, filling out forms, finding a new dentist, fine, floss, flossing, forms, freaking out, free, friends, Funny, future, God, God was a boy, grieved, gum, gums, hands, high school, Hopkins, hugged, Humor, humour, husband, instruments, insurance, internet, involved, kid, kind, list, little, long term relationship, love, lucky, machine, Maryland, mess, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mouth, must haves, nervous, nice, nurse, office, old, old and gray, opinion, opinions, oral, patient, picky, practice, public, public speaking, question, records, residency, retire, retiring, scared, screen, selective, smart, smitten, snakes, social media, speaking, staff, stone, tablets, teeth, The tooth the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth, upset, website, websites, wife, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, work, x-ray, x-rays, xray, xrays, younger