The Weekend My Husband Got Sick
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 23, 2015
My husband doesn’t get sick very often. But when he does, it’s usually with something mild—like a cold or a sore throat—and he spends the next 48-72 hours driving me crazy and acting like a whiny baby. Please know that I love my husband. I really do. Because of this–and because we’ve been together, well, […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged annoying, Baby, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bathroom, bedroom, behavior, Bert, bug, cape, cold, column, comedy, cough, coughs, coworkers, crackers, creeping crud, cup of tea, dehydrating, dessert, dinner, disinfectant, disinfected, doted, email, Facebook, facts, family, fever, friend, friends, fun, Funny, germs, God, grocery store, hazmat, heroine, home, Humor, humour, husband, keyboard, light, liquids, love, Lysol, Maryland, medicine, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Monday, mothering, neighborhood, newsletter, office, perfect, praying, quotes, remote, sanitizer, Saturday, secret, secret weapon, sick, sore throat, stomach, supportive, Sweet, sweet tooth, sweets, tea, The Weekend My Husband Got Sick, thermometer, tissue, tooth, Tuesday, TV, typhoid, videos, virus, weapon, weekend, what's going around, whining, whiny, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo@WojosWorld.com, work, www.wojosworld.com
Sweet Dreams, You Big Liar
By Michele Wojciechowski on January 29, 2015
I don’t like to lie. I was raised to tell the truth, even if it was difficult. Like when my Mom’s stained-glass lamp broke. But let’s not talk about that… I take after my Mom in that there is no “bull” with me; if you ask my opinion, I’ll give you an honest one. Sure, […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged age, asleep, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bed, blouse, broke, bull, color, comedy, comfortable, computer, couch, dear, dirty, dogs, dreams, example, excited, explode, eyes, facts, fell off, flames, friend, friends, friendship, Funny, hair, home, honest, house, Humor, humour, husband, Jokes, Julie, lamp, laughing, Liar, lie, little, log off, Maryland, metaphorically, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mom, natural, newsletter, newspaper, nice, open, opinion, pants, parents, phone, program, quotes, readers, secret, shameful, shopping, speaking, stained glass, stylist, swear, Sweet, Sweet Dreams You Big Liar, teenager, television, tell the truth, temper, tired, to tell the truth, truth, turnip truck, TV, videos, watch, watching, wide, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor