Lady? Spot? Blanche Devereaux?
By Michele Wojciechowski on June 3, 2021
My husband and I were talking recently about the weird things that people name their kids. It’s usually celebrities, and they have named their children names that make most folks wince. Like Apple. Or North. Or Moxie Crimefighter (I swear that I didn’t make this up—this is the name of magician Penn Jillette’s daughter). So […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged author, award winning, Bacon, Beyonce, Blanche Devereaux, book, Brewski, celebrity baby names, crazy dog names, Crystal Gayle, Denzel, dog names, dogs, Facebook, Jack Daniels, Lady Spot Blanche Devereaux, Let's Make A Deal, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Michele Wojo Wojciechowski, MicheleWojo, Monte Hall, names, newsletter, Next Time I Move, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box book, Penn Jillette, Snoopy, Stinkweed, Swiffer, The Golden Girls, Twitter, Vanna White, Vodka, weird dog names, Wheel of Fortune, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, Wojo'sWorld,,, Zsa Zsa

Why Can’t Sleeping Dogs Lie…in One Spot?
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 8, 2021
Our dogs, Riley and Mae, are really, really cute… And it’s this cuteness that, some days—or in this case, nights—is the only thing that keeps them alive. Truth be told, I wouldn’t hurt them, ever. But I would seriously think about throwing them out of our bedroom. Because, my friends, you just haven’t lived until […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged author, bed, book, Facebook, Mae, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Michele Wojo Wojciechowski, MicheleWojo, newsletter, Next Time I Move, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box book, Riley, sleep, Snoopy, Twitter, Why Can't Sleeping Dogs One Spot?, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, Wojo'sWorld,,
Mad Dog
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 6, 2021
One of my dogs has gone mad. No, not the kind where she’s got rabies and running havoc through 1890s London. And it’s not the kind of mad where she made a potion in her doggie laboratory, and has now turned into Ms. God (Get it? Dr. Dog and Ms. God…Okay, never mind.) It’s certainly […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged angry, author, book, dog, dogs, Facebook, husband, mad dog, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Michele Wojo Wojciechowski, MicheleWojo, NCIS, newsletter, Next Time I Move, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box book, peanut butter, puppy eyes, Snoopy, Stevie Nicks, Twitter, vet, veterinarian, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, Wojo'sWorld,,
My Dog, the Night Owl
By Michele Wojciechowski on November 6, 2014
I’m a morning person. I’m not exactly sure when this happened because I have clear memories of my Mom having to do everything short of setting off a bomb in my room to get me up when I was in high school. Now, I tend to wake up between 5 and 5:30… Yes, that’s A.M. […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged 5, 5 am, 5:30, 5:30 am, 8, 8 p.m., 8 pm, A.M., a.m. 5:00, afternoon, alive, antics, asleep, awake, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, band, bed, bedroom, bomb, bright and early, business, cat nap, cat naps, catnap, catnaps, chute, column, comedy, complain, complains, constructing, cute, do his business, dog, doggie, dogs, early, early bird, early birds, face, fail, family, flea, fleas, foot, Funny, giant, go out, groan, groans, head, high school, hire, hiring, house, Humor, humour, husband, joke, joked, jump, late, lick, living room, loud, loudest, marching, marching band, Maryland, member, memories, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, middle of the night, moan, moans, moans and groans, Mom, morning, morning person, My Dog the Night Owl, My Life With Riley, nap, naps, night, night owl, nightowl, noise, noises, outside, P.M., pace, pacing, person, pillow, plan, play, pm, pretend, pretended, program, rest, Riley, room, running, school, scratch, scratches, sleep, sleeps, sliding board, slurp, slurping, Snoopy, surprise, surrender, surrenders, teenage, teenager, tired, toy, wake, website, weekend, weekends, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor,,, yard, yawn, yawns
Ornamental Differences
By Michele Wojciechowski on December 5, 2013
My husband and I have been married for a long time. A really long time. As in, since God was a boy. Well, not that long, but you get the picture. And when you’ve been together with someone you love for many years, you think you know everything about that person. Their likes, dislikes; what […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged apocalypse, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, chaos, chores, Christmas, Christmas tree, comedy, decorated, decorations, Elf, Facebook, fake snow, frozen over, Funny, garland, God, grandmother, hell, Holiday, Holiday season, Humor, humour, husband, January, lottery, married, Maryland, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mom, poinsettia, Santa, Snoopy, snow, tree, trees, weekend, weekends, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
Lady? Spot?… Blanche Devereaux?
By Michele Wojciechowski on May 10, 2013
If you read my last column, you know that our family recently dealt with a loss. Our beloved dog, Daisy, passed away. The entire household has been depressed. But my stepdad and Riley the Wonder Dog have been hit hardest. While my husband and I had to go to work, they didn’t, and they spent […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged 70's, 70's TV, 80's, 80's TV, 90's, 90's TV, adopt, adoption, Agatha, alcoholic, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic beverages, Baby, Baby Ernie, Baby Vegas, Bacon, beverage, beverages, Beyonce, Blanche Deveraux, Brewski, canine, categories, celebrities, column, comedy, crazy dog names, crowd, crowded, crowded event, Crystal Gail, Crystal Gayle, Daisy, Denzel, depressed, dog, dog names, dogs, Duchess, Duke, Ernie, event, family, fish, folks, Funny, George, Ginger, guinea pig, hermit crab, hiking, Hooshee, Hooshie, household, Humor, humour, husband, Ian, Jack Daniels, kids names, lady, Let's Make A Deal, loss, Maggie, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mike, Monty Hall, moping, Nomo, officer, owners, Peanut, people, Petfinder, police, police officer, Pug, Puppy, Rascal, Riley, road, Sally, Sir, Sir Ian the Pug, site, Snoopy, spot, stepdad, Stinkweed, Swiffer, Tar-Jay, Target, The Golden Girls, thinking, TV, typical dog names, Vanna, Vanna White, Vegas, Vinnie, Vodka, Wheel of Fortune, White, Who's She, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, work, Zsa Zsa
Our Beautiful Daisy
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 26, 2013
Regular readers of this column are familiar with our dogs who, until Riley the Wonder Dog, preferred to go by pseudonyms to protect their privacy. Snoopy was actually named Scooby, Steve was really Rascal, and our sweet girl Rose was really named Daisy. Four years ago, Scooby passed. Rascal followed a little over two […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged adopted, amphibian, babies, bark, barking, bath, baths, Beautiful, children, City pound, Daisy, Daisy Girl, Daisy Mary, dog, dogs, Easter, food, Funny, garden, good dog, ham, hug, Humor, humour, hungry, LabraDoodle, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, momma, momma dog, mouth, My Life With Riley, Old English Sheepdog, Our Beautiful Daisy, pawing, pet, petting, plate, pseudonym, puppies, Puppy, Rascal, rescues, Riley, Rose, shoulder, smile, smile a mile wide, Snoopy, stepdad, Steve, telekinesis, toad, toddlers, toy, tub, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor,,, yelp, yelped