By Michele Wojciechowski on April 24, 2014
There’s a saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Well, color me crazy. You know those clippy things on pens and mechanical pencils that allow you to clip them to your shirt pocket? Did you know that they have a name?
Posted in Columns | Tagged 12 step, angry, attacked, average, averages, bad habit, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bed, big, brand new, break, breaking a bad habit, chew, clip, comedy, computer, container, couch, coworker, curse, day, daydream, deal, definition, desk, different, doing the same thing over and over, everything, expecting a different result, face, Fall, fanily, folks, friend, Funny, grand, group, guilty, habit, hangs, head, Humor, humour, husband, ink, insanity, keeping track, know, lead, Mad, Maryland, mechanical pencil, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mr., new, newspaper, pen, pencils, pens, phone, plastic, pocket, program, proud, result, room, saying, scheme, see through, shame, shirt, sleep, snap, snapped, snapping, the definition of insanity, twirling, two, week, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, wolves, worked, writing, writing omplement
By Michele Wojciechowski on January 11, 2013
Regular readers of this column may remember how I wrote last year about not making any New Year’s resolutions. You know, like losing weight, exercising more, or getting organized. But as I sit here looking at my paper-laden home office, one word comes to mind: firetrap.
Posted in Columns | Tagged 2013, air conditioning, article, August, bookcases, books, Christmas, Christmas tree, comedy, computer monitors, decree, desk, desks, digital recorder, erasers, exercise, file folder, file folders, files, filing cabinets, firetrap, Funny, getting organized, hard drives, Humor, humour, interviews, jolly, losing weight, magazines, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, New Year, New Year's resolutions. resolutions, organized, paper, paperless, paperless office, pencils, pens, post-it, post-it notes, post-its, proclaim, resolve, resolve 2013, snow, Staples, story, tree, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, writer