By Michele Wojciechowski on September 2, 2020
In this episode the gang goes “indie” with 2006’s “Little Miss Sunshine.” This film has everything, a road trip, dead bodies in the trunk, family dysfunction, and of course, beauty pageants. Please visit the YouTube channel to “like,” comment, share, and subscribe to the podcast. Don’t forget to check out past episodes. You won’t regret […]
Posted in Podcast | Tagged 2006, Abigail Breslin, Alan Arkin, beauty pageant, Bryan Cranston, Greg Kinnear, indie, Little Miss Sunshine, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, movie, movie review, Paul Dano, podcast, road trip, road trip beauty pageant, Steve Carell, Toni Collette, Wallace Langham, wojo, WojosWorld, YKYMP
By Michele Wojciechowski on September 2, 2020
There’s a million stories in the City of Angels and the gang discusses one of them. The film is…1997’s “L.A. Confidential.” Please visit the YouTube channel to “like,” comment, share, and subscribe to the podcast. Don’t forget to check out past episodes. You won’t regret it (and you’ll have fun with each episode)! Also, please […]
Posted in Podcast | Tagged 1997, Danny DeVito, Guy Pearce, James Cromwell, Kevin Spacey, Kim Basinger, L A Confidential, L.A. Confidential, LA Confidential, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, movie, movie review, movies, podcast, Russell Crowe, wojo, WojosWorld, YKYMP
By Michele Wojciechowski on September 2, 2020
The lock-downs continue but the movie reviews go on. In this episode, the gang discusses Wojo’s pick…1994’s “The Hudsucker Proxy.” Please visit the YouTube channel to “like,” comment, share, and subscribe to the podcast. Don’t forget to check out past episodes. You won’t regret it (and you’ll have fun with each episode)! Also, please bookmark […]
Posted in Podcast | Tagged 1994, Bruce Campbell, Coen Brothers, discussion, Ethan Coen, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Joel Coen, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, movie, movie review, movies, Paul Newman, podcast, review, Sam Raimi, The Hudsucker Proxy, Tim Robbins, wojo, WojosWorld, YKYMP
By Michele Wojciechowski on September 2, 2020
Fighting through the pandemic in isolation doesn’t stop the gang as they continue their conversations around movies. Our film this time is 1951’s Sci-Fi classic…”The Thing From Another World.” Please visit the YouTube channel to “like,” comment, share, and subscribe to the podcast. Don’t forget to check out past episodes. You won’t regret it (and […]
Posted in Podcast | Tagged 1951, film, Howard Hawks, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, movie, movie review, movies, podcast, sci fi, The Thing, wojo, WojosWorld, YKYMP
By Michele Wojciechowski on September 2, 2020
You never realize how much you can’t stand a paint color in a room in your home until you’ve noticed it every day for five months while in a quarantine. We need a change! The upstairs bath that has always been a stark white, the hall bathroom that we painted what should have been a […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged bathroom, color, freak out, holy grail, husband, latex, marriage, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, oil based, painting myself into a corner again, Pepto Bismol, type a, type b, wallpaper, wojo, WojosWorld,
By Michele Wojciechowski on November 5, 2015
Wojo and her extremely past due library book is highlighted here in the ABC News post “Maryland Woman Returns Library Book 34 Years Past Due.”
Posted in Wojo In The News | Tagged ABC, ABC News,, accountant, adapted, Alice & Joel Schick, Alice and Joel Schick, Alice Schick, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, book, books, Brewer's Hill. husband, comedy, director of communications, Enoch Pratt, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Enoch Pratt Free Public Library, Frankenstein, Funny, Highlandtown, home, house, Humor, humour, husband, illustrated, Joel Schick, Kingsville Maryland, Kingsville MD, library book, Lynne Distance, Mary Shelley, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Maryland, MD. Maryland, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mom, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box book, overdue, past due, Roswell Encina, Southeast Anchor, Southeast Anchor Branch, Susanna Kim, teenager, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
By Michele Wojciechowski on November 5, 2015
The Washington Times interviewed Wojo about her delinquency in returning Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Read the article here: Baltimore writer returns overdue library book 34 years late.
Posted in Wojo In The News | Tagged 1981, 2013, accountant, American Society of Journalists & Authors, American Society of Journalists and Authors, Anchor Branch, ASJA, author, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, Berger cookies, bio, biographies, biography, book, books, Boys' Life, Catholic, child, collector, column, comedy, comic book, comic books, crabs, Enoch Pratt Free Public Library, Eric Althoff, Frankenstein, Funny, graphic novel, guilt, Hail Mary, Harbor Tunnel, hardcover, heaven, Highlandtown, Highlandtown Library, Highlandtown public library, Horror, Humor, humour, husband, kids, L.A. Times Magazine, LA Times, library, Lost Ark, Lynne Distance, magazine, Mary Shelley, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Maryland, mayor, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mom, mother, mysteries, mystery, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box book, Ocean City, Orioles, Our Father, outstanding, Outstanding Book Award, overdue, paperback, Parade, Parade Magazine,, penance, potato chips, President, Ravens, read, reading, Ronald Reagan, softcover, Southeast Anchor Library, The Washington Times, Utz, Washington Times, Water Taxi, William Donald Schaefer, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
By Michele Wojciechowski on May 7, 2015
By the time you are reading this, I will have returned from my trip to New York City. I go once a year for a professional conference. As I write this, it’s a couple of days before I leave. But one of my dogs already knows. I have no idea how he knows, but he […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged angry, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bathroom, bed, bedroom, blanket, brat, business, can, cans, care, clean, clingy, clunk, column, comedy, conference, couch, cranky, crate, day, desk, doesn't care, dog, doggie, Doggie Intuition, dogs, dream, dreaming, email, excited, facts, file, files, find, found, freaked, freaked out, friends, full, fun, Funny, get the point, hall, head, hiding, holder, home, hot, Humor, humour, husband, ignore, imagine, Intuition, learn, learned, leaving, listen, listened, living, living room, love seat, loveseat, Mad, mad dog, Mae, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, miffed, minute, month, morning, New York City, newsletter, night, opposable, opposable thumbs, pillow, pillows, pink, point, poo, professional, pull, pup, purple, quotes, rest, resting, Riley, room, run, running, scatter, Scooby, shred, sign up, suitcase, supplies, throw, thumb, thumbs, ticked off, tissue, tissues, town, trainer, trash, trashcan, trashcans, treat, twice, videos, wojo, Wojo's World,, wonder, wondering, yard
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 23, 2015
My husband doesn’t get sick very often. But when he does, it’s usually with something mild—like a cold or a sore throat—and he spends the next 48-72 hours driving me crazy and acting like a whiny baby. Please know that I love my husband. I really do. Because of this–and because we’ve been together, well, […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged annoying, Baby, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bathroom, bedroom, behavior, Bert, bug, cape, cold, column, comedy, cough, coughs, coworkers, crackers, creeping crud, cup of tea, dehydrating, dessert, dinner, disinfectant, disinfected, doted, email, Facebook, facts, family, fever, friend, friends, fun, Funny, germs, God, grocery store, hazmat, heroine, home, Humor, humour, husband, keyboard, light, liquids, love, Lysol, Maryland, medicine, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Monday, mothering, neighborhood, newsletter, office, perfect, praying, quotes, remote, sanitizer, Saturday, secret, secret weapon, sick, sore throat, stomach, supportive, Sweet, sweet tooth, sweets, tea, The Weekend My Husband Got Sick, thermometer, tissue, tooth, Tuesday, TV, typhoid, videos, virus, weapon, weekend, what's going around, whining, whiny, wojo, Wojo's World,, work,
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 9, 2015
I have an excellent memory. Really—in that it’s so good that sometimes it’s almost creepy. Here’s an example for you: I’ll hear a song on the radio or while my husband and I are out. Here’s what comes next, I say something like, “I remember this song! It was out the first year we were […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged actor, age, alien, aliens, all time, ardent, around, avoid, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bench, benefit, benefits, black and white, brain, busy, cabinet, captured, champion, clue, column, comedy, curse, dating, Dave, dementia, digress, dress, dry, dry clean, email, events, excellent, fact, facts, file, file cabinet, friends, fun, Funny, gift, hand wash, head, headache, heads, home, horrible, Humor, humour, husband, important, Inner Harbor, internet, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Jeopardy, join, Kevin, Kevin Kline, Kline, looking, looking around, losing, Maryland, memory, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mind, minds, month, nervous breakdown, newsletter, no, no clue, office, only, pantry, pinpoint, pod people, political, question, quote, quotes, Radio, recognize, remember, restaurant, room, Rusty Scupper, screwing up, skin, slight, sneezing, song, spare, spy, standing, stress, sweet potato fries, sweet tea, talent, talk, think, thought, thoughts, tournament, toxin, tumor, twice monthly, upstairs, Video, videos, Why Am I In This Room, wojo, Wojo's World,