Michele Wojo
How to Celebrate the Holidays with Your Sanity Intact : Part II
By Michele Wojciechowski on December 21, 2012
Welcome to Part II of “How to Celebrate the Holidays with Your Sanity Intact.” I’m your host Dr., um, I mean Columnist Wojo. If you missed the last column, well, just forget it; you’re in trouble. Nah, just kidding. Go to my website WojosWorld.com (in Semi-New Stuff) and read it. Go ahead. We’ll wait.
Posted in Columns | Tagged appetizers, baguettes, baked food, baked goods, brownies, cakes, cheesecake, cheesecakes, chocolate chip cheesecake, Christmas, Christmas humor, Christmas humour, Christmas tips, cookies, cooking, cooking disaster, crackers, dessert, desserts, dips, Funny, Holiday, holiday humor, holiday tips, Humor, humour, lose weight, losing weight, losing weight during the holidays, maintain weight, maintaining weight during the holidays, meals, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Michele Wojo Wojciechowski, new recipe, pita, quiche, Rachel Ray, recipe, survive the holidays, surviving the holidays, weight, Wii, wojo, Wojo's World
Last chances to get personalized, signed copies of my book BEFORE Christmas…
By Michele Wojciechowski on December 19, 2012
This Saturday marks the last book signings that I will be doing BEFORE Christmas. If you haven’t ordered you copies through my email, stop by and see me to have your copies personalized and signed. FRIDAY DECEMBER 21, 2012: I will be a co-host of WBAL Radio’s Kids Campaign (I will be on 6-7am). The […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged appearance, appearances, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, book, book signing, books, Christmas, Christmas shopping, Dave Durian, East County Times, Friday, Friday December 21, Friday December 21 2012, Friday events, Friday things to do, Funny, Highlandtown, Highlandtown Library, Highlandtown public library, Holiday, holidays, Humor, Hunt Valley Maryland, Hunt Valley MD, Jill Yesko, Maryland, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box book, presents, Radio 11 WBAL, Rafael Alvarez, Rosalia Scalia, Saturday, Saturday December 22, Saturday December 22 2012, Saturday events, Saturday things to do, Southeast Anchor Library, The Southeast Anchor Library, The Village Gem, things to do, Things to do Friday, Valley View Farms, Village Gem, WBAL, WBAL 1090, WBAL AM 1090, WBAL Radio, WBAL Radio Kids Campaign, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
WBAL Radio Kids Campaign at Valley View Farms
By Michele Wojciechowski on December 19, 2012
This Friday morning, December 21, 2012, I will be a co-host on WBAL Radio as part of their annual WBAL Radio Kids Campaign. The great Dave Durian is returning for this special event, which is being held at Valley View Farms in Hunt Valley, MD. I will be on-air between 6-7am. I am thrilled to be a part […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged appearance, appearances, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, book, book signing, books, Charitable giving, Charity, Christmas, Christmas shopping, co-host, Dave Durian, December 21, December 21 2012, December things to do, donation, event, Friday, Friday December 21, Friday December 21 2012, Friday things to do, Funny, Holiday, holidays, Humor, Hunt Valley Maryland, Hunt Valley MD, meet the author, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box book, on air, presents, Radio 11 WBAL, shopping, special appearance, special event, things to do, Things to do December 21, things to do December 21 2012, Things to do Friday, Things to do in December, Valley View Farms, WBAL, WBAL 1090, WBAL AM 1090, WBAL Radio, WBAL Radio Kids Campaign, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
Holiday Book Signings and Appearances!
By Michele Wojciechowski on December 13, 2012
You KNOW that you might have forgotten someone on your list, or you have that last-minute present to buy, or you are having a hard time figuring out just what to get for that “person who has everything“. Well…stop by and see me at these great locations and you can get a personalized, signed copy […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged appearance, appearances, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, Baron's, Baron's K9, Baron's K9 Country Store, book, book signing, books, Christmas, Christmas shopping, comedy, December 15, Enoch Pratt Free Public Library, Funny, Highlandtown Library, Holiday, holidays, Humor, Maryland, meet the author, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box book, Saturday, Saturday December 15 2012, Saturday December 22, Saturday December 22 2012, Saturday events, Saturday things to do, shopping, Southeast Anchor Library, The Village Gem, things to do, Village Gem, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor

My Life with Riley: A Visit from The Elf on the Shelf
By Michele Wojciechowski on December 13, 2012
For the rest of the holiday season, I (Wojo) won’t be writing about what Riley is doing. This is because a very special guest has been sent all the way from the North Pole by none other than the jolly guy himself, Santa Claus. Here’s the first note from Elf Joey: Wojo told me to […]
Posted in My Life With Riley | Tagged Christmas, comedy, dog, dogs, Elf, Elf on the Shelf, Funny, google, Holiday, holidays, Humor, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mutt, My Life With Riley, New York City, North Pole, Puppy, Riley, Santa, The Elf on the Shelf, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
How to Celebrate the Holidays with Your Sanity Intact : Part I
By Michele Wojciechowski on December 6, 2012
When we envision the holiday season, we tend to think of beautiful, twinkling lights, sumptuous meals shared with family and friends, and days filled with love, happiness, and joy. And if you’re stuck in a Normal Rockwell painting, that’s exactly what it’s like. While the holidays have a ton of great times, let’s face it—it’s […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged appearance, Baron's, Baron's K9, Baron's K9 Country Store, bathroom, book, book siging, books, books as gifts, books as presents, carpet, carpeting, cat, Cher, Christmas, Christmas lights, Christmas tree, countertops, December, December 15, December 15 2012, December 2012, dog, family photos, Funny, funny books as gifts, funny books as presents, funny tips, gardening shears, Gold Heart, Gold Heart Golden Retriever Rescue, goldfish, GoldHeart, GoldHeart Golden Retriever Rescue, haircut, Holiday, holiday pictures, holiday tips, holidays, home improvement, home improvement projects, Humor, humor books as gifts, humour, humour book as presents, humour books as gifts, kitchen, kitchen floor, learning experience, lights, living room, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mistake, mistakes, Moonstruck, Nicholas Cage, Norman Rockwell, Norman Rockwell painting, ornaments, paint, Pet picture with Santa, pets, photos, pictures with Santa, places to go, presents, Rockwell, Rockwell painting, sanity, Santa, stress, stress busters, stress reducer, stress reducers, stylist, surviving Christmas, surviving the holidays, things to do, tips, tree, tree lights, Wojo's World, wojosworld.com
Book Signings!
By Michele Wojciechowski on November 27, 2012
Come see me at these fine places, buy a copy (or many copies) of my book, Next Time I Move, They’ll Carry Me Out in a Box, and have them signed! Saturday, December 1—Greetings & Readings (Book Fest) from 1pm-4pm , then I’ll be at The Village Gem from 6pm-8pm Sunday, December 2—Baltimore Homeschool Community Center from 10am-2pm Thursday, […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Adopt A Pet, adoption, appearances, Baltimore, Baltimore HCC, Baltimore Homeschool Community Center, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, Baron's K9, Baron's K9 Country Store, BHCC, Book Fest, book signing, book signings, bookfest, Bucket Show, Bucket Show at Ryan's Daughter's Pub, Bucket Show Comedy, Charitable giving, Charity, Christmas, Christmas gifts, Christmas presents, Christmas shopping, Comey, December 1, December 1 2012, December 15, December 15 2012, December 2, December 6, December 6 2012, December events, December happenings, December things to do, December2 2012, dog rescue, dog shelter, dog shelters, dogs, Golden Retriever, GoldHeart, GoldHeart Golden Retriever Rescue, Greetings, Greetings & Readings, Greetings and Readings Book Fest 2012, Manhattan, Maryland, meet the author, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, New York City, New York New York, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box book, NYC, Pet rescue, presents, Ryan's Daughter New York, Ryan's Daughter's Pub, stand-up comedy, standup comedy, stocking stuffers, The Bucket Show, The Village Gem, things to do, Upper East Side, Village Gem, Where's Wojo, wojo, Wojo's World
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas…Starting in the Summer
By Michele Wojciechowski on November 21, 2012
We’ve all heard the phrase “Christmas in July.” But when did that become the time when stores began decorating for it? I’m all about the holidays; don’t get me wrong. I love the lights, the food, the decorations, the train gardens, the festivities, the parties, the spiritual celebrations…I absolutely love it all. But when some […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged 4th of July, black cats, Christmas, christmas in July, Christmas music, Christmas season, Christmas shopping, Christmas time, Christmastime, Claymation, column, columns, December, December 25, Devo, Early Christmas, Easter, Easter Bunny, elves, Facebook, Fall, Fourth of July, Funny, funny holiday column, funny holiday story, ghosts, goblins, grocery store, Herbie, Hermey the dentist, Hermey the elf, Hermey the misfit elf, Hermy, Holiday, holiday column, holiday humor, Holiday season, holidays, Humor, humour, It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas, Jack O Lanterns, Labor Day, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, November, Radio, Rudolp the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Rudolph, Rudolph the reindeer, Rudolph TV Special, Spring, St. Patrick's Day, Sting, Summer, Thanksgiving, U2, Uncle Sam, Winter, Wojo's World
Come see Wojo on Black Friday!
By Michele Wojciechowski on November 9, 2012
In case you were too busy with Hurricane Sandy preparations the last time I was there, I will be at Greetings and Readings again, selling and signing my book, Next Time I Move, They’ll Carry Me Out in a Box, this time on BLACK FRIDAY!! You know that you are going to be out anyway doing some Christmas […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged appearance, Black Friday, book signing, books as gifts, Christmas, Christmas gift, Christmas present, Christmas presents, Christmas shopping, gift idea, gift ideas, Greetings and Readings, meet the author, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box, Next Time I Move They'll Carry Me Out in a Box book, November 23, November 23 2012, present, present ideas, presents, shopping, Stocking stuffer, stocking stuffers, Wojo's World
Our InAPPtitude
By Michele Wojciechowski on November 9, 2012
For the most part, I love my Smart Phone. It allows me to access work emails when I’m out; I can text folks instead of calling them, and, likewise, people can reach me if they need to. Oh yeah, and I can play Words with Friends and Angry Birds. I love apps, but my husband […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged App, app fail, Apps, Funny, groceries, grocery, grocery list, grocery store, Grocery store app, grocery store list, Humor, iPhone., list, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, organization, organized, organizing, shopping, Smart Phone, wojo, Wojo's World