By Michele Wojciechowski on June 3, 2014
Like every other dog I’ve ever had or met, Riley loves treats. But just as much as he loves treats, Riley loves something else: ice cubes. You might think that a treat, which is made with chicken or beef or veggies of some sort would be much more appealing. But no. Not for this pup. […]
Posted in My Life With Riley | Tagged asleep, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, beef, billowing, blue cold packs, chicken, cold, cold packs, comedy, cool, dead to the world, dinner, dog, dog treat, dog treats, dogs, drawer, Einstein, food, food bowl, freezer, Funny, fur, happiness, Humor, humour, husband, ice, ice cube, ice cubes, Ice Ice Doggie, joy, kitchen, lunch, lunch box, lunch container, Maryland, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, My Life With Riley, pup, Puppy, Riley, smell, treats, veggies, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, zipper
By Michele Wojciechowski on June 2, 2014
Riley the wonder dog must have been taught by his previous owners to play fetch with a stick. How do we know this? Because any time he goes outside, instead of doing what dogs are supposed to out there, he first runs to the nearest stick. He picks it up and then begins to run […]
Posted in My Life With Riley | Tagged Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, comedy, cute, dog, dogs, dried leaves, Fall, famous, fetch, fetching, Funny, groaner, hilarious, Humor, humour, Jokes, leaves, lottery, Maryland, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, millions, My Life With Riley, Olympic, Olympic flag, outside, photo, play, rich, Riley, stick, stick to itiveness, sticks, tree, trees, twigs, Video, Walk Small and Carry A Very Big Stick, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, yard
By Michele Wojciechowski on June 1, 2014
Meet Riley… Three years ago, when we adopted Riley, we were told that he was three years old. After a trip to our vet for his initial check-up and shots, we found out that he was, at the oldest, one year old. Um…what???? My husband and I were stunned. We weren’t planning on adopting a […]
Posted in My Life With Riley | Tagged acme, adopted, anvil, awake, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, check up, chew, children, comedy, coyote, cute, day, dog, dogs, electrodes, energy, face, Funny, house, housebroken, houses, Humor, humour, husband, Is His Name Riley or the Roadrunner, lazy, lightning, ma, Maryland, meet, meet riley, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mode, Mom, My Life With Riley, nap, naps, neighbor, neighbors, no reason, old, one, play, playing, power, puppies, Puppy, Riley, Roadrunner, shots, small, strange, talk, three, tired, tons, toy, training, unexpecyed, United States, vet, Wile E. Coyote, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, year, years
By Michele Wojciechowski on May 22, 2014
Dear Momma Fox Who Had Her Babies under My Shed, Momma—may I call you Momma?—we are so honored that you once again chose our shed out of all those in the neighborhood to use as the place for you to give birth to and raise your five kits (or pups or cubs or whatever you […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged adrenaline, babies, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, barking, bed, birth, circle of life, comedy, contests, Crazy Like A Fox, critters, cubs, dog, dogs, facts, food, fox, give birth, google, happy, hobo, hobos, husband, hysterical, karma, kits, Maryland, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, middle of the night, momma, neighborhood, neighbors, newsletter, next year, open, outside, overstay your welcome, perimiter, protect, pups, rent, rent free, rush, shed, sleep, stories, windows, winner, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, woodland, yelling
By Michele Wojciechowski on May 8, 2014
I am not a robot. People who have met me in person can attest to this fact. Well, most of them can anyway. In fact, the closest I’ve ever gotten to being a robot was during the ‘80s when I attempted to do the dance called “The Robot.” And it was not pretty. Take my […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged 80's, alerts, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bed, Bender, birthday, BookFace, bot, c3po, celebration, class, comedy, comment, Crow T Robot, cursive, dance, email, Facebook, friends, Funny, Futurama, grave, Greetings, grocery, Happy Birthday, haunting, high school, hilarious, Humor, humour, husband, karma, keyboard, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mom, money, MST3K, Mystery Science Theater 3000, r2d2, robot, Rosie, salutations, snail mail, spam, thank you cards, The Jetsons, The Robot, The Robot Dance, Tom Servo, type, typing, typist, wall-e, walle, Whats it all abot, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, YouTube
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 24, 2014
There’s a saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Well, color me crazy. You know those clippy things on pens and mechanical pencils that allow you to clip them to your shirt pocket? Did you know that they have a name?
Posted in Columns | Tagged 12 step, angry, attacked, average, averages, bad habit, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bed, big, brand new, break, breaking a bad habit, chew, clip, comedy, computer, container, couch, coworker, curse, day, daydream, deal, definition, desk, different, doing the same thing over and over, everything, expecting a different result, face, Fall, fanily, folks, friend, Funny, grand, group, guilty, habit, hangs, head, Humor, humour, husband, ink, insanity, keeping track, know, lead, Mad, Maryland, mechanical pencil, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mr., new, newspaper, pen, pencils, pens, phone, plastic, pocket, program, proud, result, room, saying, scheme, see through, shame, shirt, sleep, snap, snapped, snapping, the definition of insanity, twirling, two, week, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, wolves, worked, writing, writing omplement
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 10, 2014
This past winter was nasty. It was freezing cold, overcast, and snowy. I think if it had snowed one more time, many Marylanders would have been arrested for disturbing the peace. I know I might have been, as I would have been reduced to running screaming through the streets, waving my fist at the sky, […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bugs, cold, dangers, disturbing the peace, dog, dogs, freezing, friends, frogs, frozen, Funny, graveyard, Humor, humour, husband, ice skate, kin, kryptonite, lecture, Maryland, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, nasty, neighbors, nightclub, paranoid, pool, relatives, Riley, rust, sad, snow, Summer, thawed, Winter, Winter Killed My Pool, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
By Michele Wojciechowski on March 27, 2014
They say that the most important part of every relationship is the ability to communicate. Obviously, “they” have never been to my home.
Posted in Columns | Tagged Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, beep, beeps, Ben & Jerry's, broccoli, car, carrot, carrots, comedy, communicate, crazy, cues, earplugs, electronics, fast food, female, food, Funny, game show, game shows, groceries, grocery, grocery store, hands, house, Humor, humour, husband, icepick, inanimate, inanimated conversations, kitchen, lettuce, Marge, Maryland, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mickey D's, microwave, milk, prize, problem, problems, relationship, shopping, sports, stats, veggies, washing, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, yelling, yogurt
By Michele Wojciechowski on March 13, 2014
My husband and I used to be a bit of what you’d call “Lottery Snobs.” Before you think that we’re multi-millionaires living the high life, let me clarify.
Posted in Columns | Tagged 100 million, 12 million, abroad, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, billboard, billboards, bills, caviar, charities, Charity, civilian, column, columns, comedy, entertaining, financial, financially, France, friends, Funny, gazillion, God, high life, hope, Humor, humour, husband, imagine, jackpot, lightning, living the high life, London, lottery, lottery snobbery, media, mega millions, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, millionaire, millionaires, multi millionaire, odds, office supplies, pay off bills, power ball, powerball, prices, sacrifice, shopping, snob, snobs, space, splurge, Staples, struck by lightning, ticket, topics, trip, trips, underpants, winning, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, working, yard
By Michele Wojciechowski on February 27, 2014
Feeling under the weather? And I don’t mean the snow… I was too, recently. Despite eating well, exercising, taking vitamins, getting enough sleep, and doing anything else I could to stay healthy, I caught the dreaded “What’s Going Around.”
Posted in Columns | Tagged antibiotic, antibiotics, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bronchitis, codeine, comedy, cough, cough drops, cough medicine, cough medicine with codeine, coughing, coughing fit, doctor, exercising, fabulous, freak out, freaking out, Funny, germs, Getting Over Whats Going Around, healthy, hit me like a ton of bricks, Humor, humour, husband, immune system, lingering cough, Maryland, meds, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, miserable, Olympics, panic, parents, petri dish, petri dishes, rush hour, sick, sinus infection, sleep, snowwell, strep, strep throat, swallowing glass, typhoid, Typhoid Mary, under the weather, vitamins, Winter, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
What’s That All A-Bot?
By Michele Wojciechowski on May 8, 2014
I am not a robot. People who have met me in person can attest to this fact. Well, most of them can anyway. In fact, the closest I’ve ever gotten to being a robot was during the ‘80s when I attempted to do the dance called “The Robot.” And it was not pretty. Take my […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged 80's, alerts, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bed, Bender, birthday, BookFace, bot, c3po, celebration, class, comedy, comment, Crow T Robot, cursive, dance, email, Facebook, friends, Funny, Futurama, grave, Greetings, grocery, Happy Birthday, haunting, high school, hilarious, Humor, humour, husband, karma, keyboard, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mom, money, MST3K, Mystery Science Theater 3000, r2d2, robot, Rosie, salutations, snail mail, spam, thank you cards, The Jetsons, The Robot, The Robot Dance, Tom Servo, type, typing, typist, wall-e, walle, Whats it all abot, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, YouTube