The Tooth is Stranger than Fiction
By Michele Wojciechowski on February 12, 2015
Friends have told me for years that they think weird stuff happens to me just so I have material for my column. I usually protest and say, “No. It’s just that I pay more attention to the absurd things in life than you do.” But after this past weekend, I have to wonder if they’re […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged 14, absurd, adult, argh!, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bathroom, birthday, bit, call, canal, cap, capped, cob, cold, column, comedy, corn, corn on the cob, days, dentist, doc, drank, eat, eating, edge, email, emergency, fabulous, Facebook, facts, Fall, fast forward, focused, freak out, free, friends, front teeth, fun, Funny, game, gap, head, Hee Haw, hot, husband, hyperventilate, implode, imploded, jagged, Jimmy Fallon, line, Maryland, material, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mirror, months, mouth, mouths, new, newsletter, normal, phone, Picture, piercing, pizza, pulp, quotes, root, same bat channel, same bat time, sensation, smarty pants, space, stranger than fiction, stub, stuff, Super, Super Dentist, take a picture, taser, tasered, teeth, The Tonight Show, the tooth is stranger than fiction, the truth is stranger than fiction, tongue, Tonight Show, tooth, vacation, videos, voicemail, weekend, weeks, weird, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor,, x-ray, x-rays, xray, xrays, young
It All Adds Up
By Michele Wojciechowski on July 17, 2014
I used to be really good at math. And I mean really good… I was in honors math in high school. When I decided to major in English and writing in college, I breezed through the required math classes I took. In high school, I was even in Mathletes. Go ahead and make all your […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged addition, advice, amusement, awards, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, being funny, Big Bang Theory, bill, brain, calculate, calculated, calculus, cashier, cents, channel, cheap, college, comedy, daily, deduce, deduced, digress, dollar, dollar store, domestic goddess, embarrass, embarrassing, English, fiasco, files, fingers, five, floor, folks, footballs, forgotten, friend, Funny, good at math, high school, hilarious, home, honors, Humor, humour, husband, hysterically, important, It All Adds Up, Jokes, kids, laugh, laughing, learning, line, major, married, Maryland, math, mathematical, Mathletes, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mistake, nerd, notes, numbers, office, old, penny, point, purchase, purge, quickly, rain man, razor, required, roller skate, semester, sharp, skills, smiling, speaking, store, story, stuff, subtraction, think, toothpicks, total, unimportant, whoops, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, word, worker, writing, wrong