Sweet Dreams, You Big Liar
By Michele Wojciechowski on January 29, 2015
I don’t like to lie. I was raised to tell the truth, even if it was difficult. Like when my Mom’s stained-glass lamp broke. But let’s not talk about that… I take after my Mom in that there is no “bull” with me; if you ask my opinion, I’ll give you an honest one. Sure, […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged age, asleep, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bed, blouse, broke, bull, color, comedy, comfortable, computer, couch, dear, dirty, dogs, dreams, example, excited, explode, eyes, facts, fell off, flames, friend, friends, friendship, Funny, hair, home, honest, house, Humor, humour, husband, Jokes, Julie, lamp, laughing, Liar, lie, little, log off, Maryland, metaphorically, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mom, natural, newsletter, newspaper, nice, open, opinion, pants, parents, phone, program, quotes, readers, secret, shameful, shopping, speaking, stained glass, stylist, swear, Sweet, Sweet Dreams You Big Liar, teenager, television, tell the truth, temper, tired, to tell the truth, truth, turnip truck, TV, videos, watch, watching, wide, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor
Now That It’s Almost Fall, It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like…Christmas?
By Michele Wojciechowski on September 11, 2014
I was looking on Facebook over the weekend, and a friend of mine shared a photo from a store she was in. All you could see were lighted and decorated Christmas trees. You read that correctly. And it wasn’t in a Christmas store.
Posted in Columns | Tagged 80's, aisle, Autumn, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bathing, bathing suit, bathing suits, Bermuda shorts, birthday, buy, California, candy, cards, celebrate, celebrating, Christmas, Christmas shopping, Christmas tree, Christmas trees, Christmastime, clothes, coats, college, comedy, Cracker Barrel, decorated, decorations, DVD, early, example, Facebook, Fall, Florida, friend, Funny, garland, half priced, Halloween, Hawaiian shirt, Hecht's, high, Holiday, holidays, Humor, humour, husband, issue, issues, Jesus, lighted, March, margarita, Maryland, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, month, music, newsletter, Now That It's Almost Fall It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas, outfit, outfits, photo, Santa, season, selling, September, shopping, songs, store, stunned, suit, Summer, temperature, Thanksgiving, tinsel, toys, umbrella, weekend, weight, Winter, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, wojosworld.com, woman, www.wojosworld.com, year