Doggie Intuition
By Michele Wojciechowski on May 7, 2015
By the time you are reading this, I will have returned from my trip to New York City. I go once a year for a professional conference. As I write this, it’s a couple of days before I leave. But one of my dogs already knows. I have no idea how he knows, but he […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged angry, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bathroom, bed, bedroom, blanket, brat, business, can, cans, care, clean, clingy, clunk, column, comedy, conference, couch, cranky, crate, day, desk, doesn't care, dog, doggie, Doggie Intuition, dogs, dream, dreaming, email, excited, facts, file, files, find, found, freaked, freaked out, friends, full, fun, Funny, get the point, hall, head, hiding, holder, home, hot, Humor, humour, husband, ignore, imagine, Intuition, learn, learned, leaving, listen, listened, living, living room, love seat, loveseat, Mad, mad dog, Mae, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, miffed, minute, month, morning, New York City, newsletter, night, opposable, opposable thumbs, pillow, pillows, pink, point, poo, professional, pull, pup, purple, quotes, rest, resting, Riley, room, run, running, scatter, Scooby, shred, sign up, suitcase, supplies, throw, thumb, thumbs, ticked off, tissue, tissues, town, trainer, trash, trashcan, trashcans, treat, twice, videos, wojo, Wojo's World,, wonder, wondering, yard
The Baths Have Gone to the Dogs
By Michele Wojciechowski on March 12, 2015
My husband and I have two dogs: Riley, the overactive pup, and, Mae. Her name isn’t really Mae, but she prefers to go by a pseudonym. She’s a proper Southern lady, having come to us via Alabama, and she doesn’t want her friends to know if she’s done something wrong. If that happened, there would […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged Alabama, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bath, bathing, baths, belle, blanket, Bless, Bless her, carpet, chasing, clean, comedy, couch, Daisy, days, dirt, dirty, dog, doggie, dogs, drag, drags, drinking, ears, email, face, facts, family, floor, Fluffy, friend, friends, Funny, furniture, fuzzy, growled, guy, happy, head, house, Humor, humour, husband, imagine, julep, jump, kindergarten, lady, lean, little, Mae, Maryland, melt, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mint, mint julep, mint juleps, Mom, mud, name, neck, newsletter, overactive, park, pearly, pearly whites, pitiful, playing, poo, proper, pseudonym, pup, quotes, Rascal, Riley, romp, running, Scooby, scooches, snow, soaked, Southern, Spring, stay, stink, The Baths Have Gone To The Dogs, towel, trump, trumps, tub, videos, washing, wet, White, whites, wiggle, wiggling, winced, wishes, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor,, worst
Sweet Dreams, You Big Liar
By Michele Wojciechowski on January 29, 2015
I don’t like to lie. I was raised to tell the truth, even if it was difficult. Like when my Mom’s stained-glass lamp broke. But let’s not talk about that… I take after my Mom in that there is no “bull” with me; if you ask my opinion, I’ll give you an honest one. Sure, […]
Posted in Columns | Tagged age, asleep, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bed, blouse, broke, bull, color, comedy, comfortable, computer, couch, dear, dirty, dogs, dreams, example, excited, explode, eyes, facts, fell off, flames, friend, friends, friendship, Funny, hair, home, honest, house, Humor, humour, husband, Jokes, Julie, lamp, laughing, Liar, lie, little, log off, Maryland, metaphorically, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, Mom, natural, newsletter, newspaper, nice, open, opinion, pants, parents, phone, program, quotes, readers, secret, shameful, shopping, speaking, stained glass, stylist, swear, Sweet, Sweet Dreams You Big Liar, teenager, television, tell the truth, temper, tired, to tell the truth, truth, turnip truck, TV, videos, watch, watching, wide, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor

Mad Dog
By Michele Wojciechowski on June 8, 2014
For the most part, Riley is a happy dog. He runs around all the time. If he had the ability to play 24/7, he would.
Posted in My Life With Riley | Tagged 24/7, action, all by myself, anger, attitude, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, being angry, bothering, cam, caught, chew, chewing, close, comedy, cop, cop an attitude, couch, crate, cushions, desk, destroying, dog, doggy, downstairs, favorite, fine by us, fling, flings, force, Funny, furniture, grateful, happiness, happy, Humor, humour, in action, in the act, in your face, joke, joy, leave, living room, love, love seat, loves, loveseat, Mad, mad dog, marks, Maryland, message, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, My Life With Riley, passed, play, poop, pooping, problem, proud, proudly, Puppy, Riley, shoes, sign, spots, stern, sternly, stinker, teeth, ticked, ton, total, upstairs, wagging, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, writing

Our Own Little Furry Santa
By Michele Wojciechowski on June 4, 2014
As you can tell by past posts, Riley is an, um, unusual puppy. And just one of the different and cute things he does is that he plays Santa year ‘round with my stepdad. How does he do this? Well, for some reason unknown to us, Riley loves to carry items from throughout the house […]
Posted in My Life With Riley | Tagged $20 bill, ad, advertising circular, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, beef, bill, blanket, book, caffeine, ceramic coffee mug, ceramic mug, chew, Christmas, christmas ornament, coasters, coffee mug, comedy, consignment shop, couch, couch pillows, coupons, cute, decorative fan, decorative victorian fan, dog, dogs, Funny, gift, gifts, grande, grandpa, Holiday, holy grail, house, Humor, humour, jerky, kitchen table, latte, living room, living room table, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mocha, money, My Life With Riley, Our Own Little Furry Santa, pens, pillows, play santa, presents, Puppy, recipes, Riley, Santa, scissors, screwdriver, shoes, sneaky, step father, stepdad, stepfather, twenty dollar bill, victorian fan, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor

Breaking…A Bad Habit
By Michele Wojciechowski on April 24, 2014
There’s a saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Well, color me crazy. You know those clippy things on pens and mechanical pencils that allow you to clip them to your shirt pocket? Did you know that they have a name?
Posted in Columns | Tagged 12 step, angry, attacked, average, averages, bad habit, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, bed, big, brand new, break, breaking a bad habit, chew, clip, comedy, computer, container, couch, coworker, curse, day, daydream, deal, definition, desk, different, doing the same thing over and over, everything, expecting a different result, face, Fall, fanily, folks, friend, Funny, grand, group, guilty, habit, hangs, head, Humor, humour, husband, ink, insanity, keeping track, know, lead, Mad, Maryland, mechanical pencil, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mr., new, newspaper, pen, pencils, pens, phone, plastic, pocket, program, proud, result, room, saying, scheme, see through, shame, shirt, sleep, snap, snapped, snapping, the definition of insanity, twirling, two, week, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, wolves, worked, writing, writing omplement