The Tooth, the Whole Tooth, and Nothing But the Tooth
By Michele Wojciechowski on October 9, 2014
Everyone has fears. Some people are afraid of snakes (not me). Or public speaking (not me, again). Or going to the dentist (still not me…oh, wait).
Posted in Columns | Tagged 24/7, adult, amazed, appointment, attributes, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, Beautiful, beautiful friendship, blind date, boy, card, care, chisel, chiseled, column, comedy, consultation, convince, convinced, cotton, credentials, decades, dental, dental practice, dentist, dentistry, different, disease, doctor, Dr. Lincoln Frank, earth, emergency, experience, fear, fears, filling out forms, finding a new dentist, fine, floss, flossing, forms, freaking out, free, friends, Funny, future, God, God was a boy, grieved, gum, gums, hands, high school, Hopkins, hugged, Humor, humour, husband, instruments, insurance, internet, involved, kid, kind, list, little, long term relationship, love, lucky, machine, Maryland, mess, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, mouth, must haves, nervous, nice, nurse, office, old, old and gray, opinion, opinions, oral, patient, picky, practice, public, public speaking, question, records, residency, retire, retiring, scared, screen, selective, smart, smitten, snakes, social media, speaking, staff, stone, tablets, teeth, The tooth the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth, upset, website, websites, wife, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, work, x-ray, x-rays, xray, xrays, younger

Mad Dog
By Michele Wojciechowski on June 8, 2014
For the most part, Riley is a happy dog. He runs around all the time. If he had the ability to play 24/7, he would.
Posted in My Life With Riley | Tagged 24/7, action, all by myself, anger, attitude, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, being angry, bothering, cam, caught, chew, chewing, close, comedy, cop, cop an attitude, couch, crate, cushions, desk, destroying, dog, doggy, downstairs, favorite, fine by us, fling, flings, force, Funny, furniture, grateful, happiness, happy, Humor, humour, in action, in the act, in your face, joke, joy, leave, living room, love, love seat, loves, loveseat, Mad, mad dog, marks, Maryland, message, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, My Life With Riley, passed, play, poop, pooping, problem, proud, proudly, Puppy, Riley, shoes, sign, spots, stern, sternly, stinker, teeth, ticked, ton, total, upstairs, wagging, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, writing
Raising the Dead
By Michele Wojciechowski on March 15, 2013
Years ago, I read that scientists in Japan were going to try to clone prehistoric animals. And I’ve got two words for these guys: JURASSIC PARK!
Posted in Columns | Tagged 24/7, 3-D movie, 3D. 3D movie, Baltimore, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore MD, chow mien, clone, cloned, clones, cloning lambs, dinosaur, dinosaur movie, DNA, E-Bay, elephant, elephants, fast food, freaked out, Funny, garment industry, Godzilla, heart attack, highway, homo sapien, homo sapiens, human beings, Humor, humour, hunter, hunters, hunting and gathering, ivory, Japan, Japanese restaurant, Japanese restaurants, Jurassic Park, killing machine, lambs, let sleeping dogs lie, meat, Michele Wojciechowski, Michele Wojo, missing link, Mothra, movie, museum, Newman, obesity rate, prehistoric animals, Raising the Dead, raw meat, realistic movie, scary, scary dinosaur movie, scientist, scientists, Seinfeld, smell the roses, Spielberg, Steven Spielberg, T-Rex, The dog ate my homework, traffic jam, tusk, tusks, Tyrannosaurus Rex, velociraptor, velociraptors, wojo, Wojo's World, Wojo's World. humor, wool, wool garment industry, wool sweater, wool sweaters, wooly mammoth